• Mysterious connections

    Mysterious Connections

    A long, long time ago a wandering preacher told anyone who would listen to seek until they find. For a long time I imagined this meant seek until you reach enlightenment, though I had…

    July 1, 2024
  • The Synchronicities That Guide Us

    Today a few words on the mysterious, spiritual guidance we receive when we most need it and are actually open to it. Carl Jung labeled this phenomenon synchronicity, and though there is no scientific…

    March 23, 2024
  • Suicide for the Living

    The journey inward, if earnestly pursued, begins to reveal a hideous truth: that I, and all others, are one and the same thing. There, just at the edge of my perception, I begin to…

    December 30, 2023
  • Words

    In the beginning was the word. And ever since there have been so many words. Our world drowns in words. So too does our inner world. Words, words, words. How many spoken, shared, loved,…

    October 16, 2023
  • what are the chances

    What Are the Chances?

    Seek and ye shall find. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. I will go before you and make the crooked places straight. What all of these statements (and countless others) point…

    August 7, 2023
  • What if we're wrong

    What If We’re Wrong About Everything?

    There are two well-known psychological phenomena that illustrate just how difficult it is for humans to properly understand themselves and the world around them: confirmation bias and its cousin, the backfire effect. Confirmation bias…

    February 23, 2023