• Shhhh….

    Another day, another city burns, a bomb detonates, another someone goes berserk stabbing and shooting others, and everywhere the mass of humanity wrings its hands and stews and frets and points fingers and prays. Pity…

    September 22, 2016
  • Where is the Wisdom?

    Spend any time immersed in mystical/spiritual traditions and you’ll quickly notice they espouse a way of life radically different than what most Americans – and more and more of the world – follow. Humility, silence,…

    September 14, 2016
  • The Peace that Surpasses Understanding

    So when you think about yourself and those you know best, what is it that each of us wants above all else? When you peel back all the thoughts and desires, the wants and…

    June 28, 2016
  • The Joy of Meaninglessness

    Nothing matters. Now there’s a fun-loving rhetorical turd you should try dropping at a dinner party sometime. People go positively apoplectic when you suggest their lives – life itself – is meaningless. But it’s…

    June 9, 2016
  • Surrender is NOT an Option

    Are you able to let go, to really surrender to life, to let it take you wherever it sees fit? I know I’m not. I try. But if I catch myself, that surrender comes…

    May 18, 2016
  • Silence of the Heart

    In the Silence is where all the power is. In the Silence is where all the answers are. – Robert Adams There are times when I stand on a hillside or deep in the…

    May 9, 2016