The journey inward, if earnestly pursued, begins to reveal a hideous truth: that I, and all others, are one and the same thing. There, just at the edge of my perception, I begin to see that aside from the window dressing each of us calls ‘my life,’ there is nothing. All of the characters and settings, the adventures and dreams, are imagined imaginings signifying nothing. These days I see that I am poised, as it were, with one foot in…
I believe now that consciousness reveals itself in stages not unlike a painter or sculptor who reveals his art over time. The more we attend to the task of revealing our true nature, the more consciousness obliges and the secrets to our being revealed. I know…
“In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o’clock in the morning.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald It’s easy to blame the loneliness of the spiritual path on the reluctance (or refusal) of others to join in the journey. But it’s more…
“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Jesus At the age of 13 something unimaginably humiliating happened to me in front of my entire military school cadet class. Racing…
The motorist in front of me driving 10mph under the speed limit. An angst-ridden friend on the phone wondering how to increase his company’s sales. The blog post of a young woman bemoaning the absence of a man in her life on Valentine’s Day.…
In the late 1800s Swiss geologist Albert Heim was enjoying a climb in the Alps when a powerful gust of wind lifted him from the mountain and sent him plummeting to almost certain death. But a peculiar thing happened during his fall: instead of…