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Forget Life’s Experiences and Instead Experience Life

January 25, 2013

At dinner the other night came a conversation about the importance of experiencing all that life has to offer before, you know, it’s too late. The basic idea being that we need to be out there scaling Mt. Everest or racing elephants in the desert or earning our first millon by 30 lest we fail to live a remarkable life. As a military brat first conditioned and then prone to a life of ceaseless wanderlust, I might once have agreed…

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Standing Naked Before God

Suffering. Google says it’s the number one search term people use to find this blog. Next up are ayahuasca and vision quest, suggesting – appropriately enough – that this website is a destination for people seeking a way out of their pain. If you’re…

July 1, 2011

A Horse With No Name

A mystic has informed you that across a vast ocean of water eternal happiness awaits. You gaze at the water from the beach, painfully aware that every attempt you’ve made to find happiness on this side of the water has failed, so why not?…

April 14, 2011

I, Salmon

The motorist in front of me driving 10mph under the speed limit. An angst-ridden friend on the phone wondering how to increase his company’s sales. The blog post of a young woman bemoaning the absence of a man in her life on Valentine’s Day.…

February 15, 2011

Catch You if You Can

Several years ago, at the absolute depths of my personal crisis, a horrendous and hideous thought suddenly occurred to me: What if there is no God? What if this entire existence is … meaningless? What if all of the suffering and anguish and turmoil…

July 22, 2010