The journey inward, if earnestly pursued, begins to reveal a hideous truth: that I, and all others, are one and the same thing. There, just at the edge of my perception, I begin to see that aside from the window dressing each of us calls ‘my life,’ there is nothing. All of the characters and settings, the adventures and dreams, are imagined imaginings signifying nothing. These days I see that I am poised, as it were, with one foot in…
If you’re suffering. If you’re unhappy about the presidential election. If you’re unhappy with your mate or your kids or your job – there’s really only one thing you need to do: look within. After all, who or what is unhappy? This is the…
Sitting on the beach last week, watching the waves rise and fall, rise and fall. The tide rolling in, receding. Clouds building, abating. Birds (and humans) coming, going. Any or all of it a perfect metaphor for life, for existence itself. Little wonder that…
What a peculiar prison sentence is this thing we call life. Each of us appears to have been born into captivity, a death sentence hanging over us, only the actual date of our ‘execution’ unknown. We are shackled to these bodies – bodies that…
If the season has you hurting, longing, or otherwise feeling out of sorts, I urge you toward nonduality. It’s the only path to truth, because it is not a path at all and has no place for all the concepts I just mentioned. It…
“Die Religion … ist das Opium des Volkes.” – Karl Marx Karl Marx’s famous dictum that “religion is the opiate of the masses” is based on the idea that we humans, haunted by fears of our own mortality and apparent insignificance, need some kind…