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Suicide for the Living

December 30, 2023

The journey inward, if earnestly pursued, begins to reveal a hideous truth: that I, and all others, are one and the same thing. There, just at the edge of my perception, I begin to see that aside from the window dressing each of us calls ‘my life,’ there is nothing. All of the characters and settings, the adventures and dreams, are imagined imaginings signifying nothing. These days I see that I am poised, as it were, with one foot in…

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The Silver Bullet

If you’re suffering. If you’re unhappy about the presidential election. If you’re unhappy with your mate or your kids or your job – there’s really only one thing you need to do: look within. After all, who or what is unhappy? This is the…

January 19, 2017

It’s ‘Me’ Again

I believe now that consciousness reveals itself in stages not unlike a painter or sculptor who reveals his art over time. The more we attend to the task of revealing our true nature, the more consciousness obliges and the secrets to our being revealed. I know…

February 9, 2016

A Life Sentence of Solitary Confinement

It is said the worst punishment that can be meted out to a prisoner is solitary confinement. Lock someone in ‘the hole’ long enough and he starts to go mad (note the metaphorical connection between ‘hole’ and burial/death). Seems rather clear to me now that this…

November 24, 2014

Suffering as an Offering

An avid reader as a child, at some point I remember being intrigued by a rather simple discovery: that most of the really interesting people in life came from difficult circumstances. I don’t remember any notable personalities, artists, writers, etc., emerging from the antiseptic…

October 28, 2014

A Wave to God

Sitting on the beach last week, watching the waves rise and fall, rise and fall. The tide rolling in, receding. Clouds building, abating. Birds (and humans) coming, going. Any or all of it a perfect metaphor for life, for existence itself. Little wonder that…

September 9, 2014